Ingrown Toenails
Ingrown Toenails

Ingrown Toenail Treatment in Greater Kailash

What exactly are ingrowth toenails? And Why Soul Derma Is The Best For You

When the edges or corners of your nails grow into the skin next to the nail, you have ingrown toenails. An ingrowth toenail is most likely to develop on your big toe.

What causes ingrowth toenails?

  • Ingrown toenails can affect both men and women.
  • Ingrown toenails are common among those who sweat considerably, such as teens.
  • Because toenails thicken with age, older persons may be more vulnerable.
  • Improper toenail clipping (Cut the nail straight across because angling the sides can encourage the nail to grow into the skin.)
  • Curved and irregularly shaped toenails contribute to nail ingrowth.

What are the symptoms of toenail ingrowth?

Stage 1
  • The end of the toe turns red and swells up slightly
  • The area feels warm and tender to the touch.
  • No leakage or pus drainage is present.
Stage 2
  • The toe is increasingly painful and swollen and has turned red.
  • White or yellow pus is observed in the area.
  • Infection has been established and progressed.
Stage 3
  • Increased redness, swelling, and signs of discomfort,
  • Granulation tissue develops and contributes to the pus swelling and discharge,
  • There is lateral hypertrophy of the nail fold (overgrowth of the skin tissue around the affected toe).
  • Fever and a more serious infection may follow.

How is a toenail ingrowth identified?

  • A physical examination
  • X-ray

What is the remedy for a toenail that has grown inward?

The stage of the toe will determine the course of toe nail ingrowth treatment.

However, the patient should avoid wearing tight-fitting or high-heeled shoes at any stage of an ingrown toenail. Wear sandals till it clears up.

  1. Lifting the toenail
    • ​​This helps the toe ingrowth develop over the skin’s edge and separates it from the skin above, usually taking two to twelve weeks.
    • You’ll have to wet the toe and change the material every day at home. Additionally, our expert at Soul Derma will advise using a corticosteroid cream after soaking.
    • Another method uses cotton coated with a solution to hold it in place and make it waterproof, which reduces the need for daily replenishment.
  2. Nail taping
    • This method of nail ingrowth treatment uses cotton coated with a solution to hold it in place and make it waterproof, which reduces the need for daily replenishment.
    •  Doctors at Soul Derma can use tape to pull the skin away from the ingrown nail using this technique.
  3. Splint
    • Our certified doctor will numb the toe and insert a small tube with a slit underneath the embedded nail using this technique for ingrowth nail treatment.
    • This splint remains in place until the nail has grown above the skin’s edge.
  4. Nail avulsion
    • Our doctor may decide to cut out a portion of your ingrown toenail if it is causing you a lot of discomfort or the infection keeps returning (partial nail avulsion).
    • An anaesthetic is injected into your toe, and our doctor uses scissors to carefully remove the ingrown portion of the toenail without disturbing the nail bed. Painful nail beds may be exposed.
    • Your toenail may regrow with a distorted shape if your entire ingrown toenail is removed (full nail plate avulsion)
    • Your nail will grow back after three to four months.

What to expect after the surgery?

Our certified doctor at Soul Derma will bandage your toe and send you home following surgery. To ensure appropriate toe healing, you will need to elevate your foot for the following one to two days and wear specific shoes.

After surgery, your bandage is often taken off two days later. Doctors at Soul Derma will advise you to conduct daily salt water soaks and wear open-toed shoes till your toe recovers. Antibiotics to prevent infection and painkillers will also be supplied.

A few months after removing a partial toenail, it will grow back. A toenail can take over a year to grow back if the entire nail is removed down to the root.

Complications of toenail ingrowth

An untreated ingrown toenail infection can lead to infection of the bone in your toe.

If you have diabetes, even a little cut, scrape, or ingrown toenails can quickly become severely infected.

If you have a genetic propensity to ingrown toenails, you may experience pain, infections, and other severe foot disorders that necessitate several treatments or surgery.

Ingrown Toenail Treatment in Greater Kailash : When the edges or corners of your nails grow into the skin next to the nail, you have ingrown toenails.

Ground Floor W-58, Greater Kailash I, New Delhi, Delhi 110048 India
